Revised and Approved July 28, 2018
Section 1
Membership shall be open to any established club within the geographical limits set forth by the constitution.
Section 2
Any established club consisting of at least five (5) active members may submit an application for membership to the conference.
Section 3
New membership applications will be voted on at either the fall or spring meeting of the conference. Acceptance into membership shall be by a two-thirds affirmative secret ballot vote of the member clubs present and voting.
Section 4
In order to maintain membership, a member club must not be delinquent in payment of conference dues. Failure in the payment of dues for a period of 1-½ years could result in membership termination. Further, a member club must attend at least one (1) Conference meeting annually. Proxy attendance is acceptable to the Conference. Failure to attend could result in membership termination.
Section 5
Inactive member clubs will be designated that statues for dues outstanding for more than 2 years and/or less than five active members. If inactive for more than 2 years and not heard from in that time, will be deleted from the conference by a vote of the conference membership. They will then be removed from the conference rolls.
Section 1
All member clubs shall upon admission into the conference, pay an initial membership fee. This fee is set forth by the conference and shall be kept in the treasury and is non-refundable.
Section 2
The amount of the annual dues shall be set forth by the conference. Annual dues are payable to the conference treasurer, prior to, or during the scheduled fall meeting.
Section 1
Each member club shall designate a regular delegate to the conference. A member club may also designate an alternate delegate if they so desire. The means of choosing delegates shall be determined by each member club.
Section 2
Should both the regular and alternate delegate of any member club be absent from any meeting, another member of that club may act as the second alternate.
Section 3
If a club member cannot represent a member club at a given meeting, it has the obligation to assign a written proxy vote to the president, secretary, or any club of their choice, prior to the meeting date.
Section 4
Each member club shall have one (1) vote
Section 1
In order to maintain voting privileges in the conference, a member club must maintain a membership of at least five (5) active members
Section 2
Membership of fewer than five (5) members in no way affect a club’s membership status in the conference, however, voting privileges will be suspended, until club membership has returned to five (5) or more members.
Section 1
There will be two (2) scheduled meetings, (Spring and Fall), of the conference each year. The site and date of these meetings will be set forth by the conference. (A decision as to when the voting for these sites should take place, in the Spring or Fall, or a year in advance, so that conference plans can be made well ahead of time.) The Spring meeting for the following year will be done at the Spring meeting and the same applies to the Fall meeting
Section 2
There may be a special meeting of the conference to be held at a time and place agreed upon by the member clubs of the conference.
Section 3
No business shall be conducted at a regular conference meeting unless more than 50% of the member club delegates are present. If less than 51% are present, then the elected officers will exercise their option and be getting final approval of the delegates at the next scheduled meeting.
Section 1
The officers of this conference shall be President, Vice President, Secretary, and Treasurer. They shall be elected for a term of two (2) years.
Section 2
Any member of the conference may be nominated and elected to any office.
Section 3
Nominations for officers shall be held at the scheduled spring meeting of the conference. Nominations for the offices of President and Treasurer shall be accepted in even-numbered years and nominations for Vice President and Secretary shall be accepted in odd-numbered years.
Section 4
Any member of the conference nominated for an office may decline the nomination.
Section 5
Election of officers shall be held at the scheduled fall meeting of the conference and shall be by secret ballot from the list of names placed in nomination. A simple majority vote of the member club delegates present and voting is required to elect each officer.
Section 1
The President shall:
Section 2
The Vice President shall:
Section 3
The Secretary shall:
Section 4
The Treasurer shall:
Section 5
Historian – pro-tem.
Section 6
As the Board of Directors, they (the officers), shall see to the welfare of the conference, acting as (the) coordinating committee for an event sponsored by the conference.
Section 1
Except where specified in these by-laws, all decisions on topics of major importance shall be made by roll call vote and shall require two-thirds (2/3) majority for approval. A decision on all other matters shall be by voice vote or show of hands and shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority for approval.
Section 2
All decisions of the conference shall be considered binding upon all member clubs.
Section 3
Member clubs are required to indicate on their event publicity, the following: A MID-AMERICA CONFERENCE OF CLUBS SANCTIONED EVENT. Also, member clubs shall state in their run publicity whether or not the conference point system is being used.
Section 4
Conference minutes and information sent to member clubs or to clubs outside the conference is not for general publication.
Section 5
Any photographs taken at conference events which shows individual club members, shall not appear in any publication without a signed release by the individual(s) photographed.
Section 6
Member clubs agree to make good any bad checks written by a member of their club after a grace period of thirty (30) days
Section 7
Any individual at a conference sanctioned event/run, who is found to be under the influence of any non-prescription drug, may be requested to leave the event/run site.
Section 8
It is recommended that Non-Alcoholic, as well as Alcoholic beverages, be available at all cocktail parties. Also listing of those contents for those who have allergies to certain alcohol.
Section 9
Any matter not covered by these by-laws shall be governed by (make) reference to “Roberts Rules of Order”.
Section 1
Amendments to these by-laws may be proposed at any regular meeting of the conference. Amendments are approved by the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the member club delegates present and voting. Approved amendments shall become effective immediately.
NOTE: These revised by-laws became effective, July 28th, 2018 and supersede all previous by-laws of this organization.
NOTE: These by-laws are intended to serve as a guideline for the operation of the conference. At the discretion of the conference, and with two-thirds (2/3) majority, specific statements of the by-laws may be temporarily set aside for the benefit of an individual or member club. The by-laws may never be set aside for purposes to be used against any individual member or member club.
© 2021 Mid America Conference of Clubs. All content provided by member clubs is used with permission and remains the property of those clubs.